Music Ministry
Christianity has been called the Singing Religion, and I can understand why. Nothing changes a person like the salvation our Lord gives us. Forgiveness, reconciliation and redemption, will put such a song in your heart that you will want to sing to Him forever.
Charles H. Spurgeon said “God is to be praised with the voice, and the heart should go therewith in holy exultation.”
Christian music is truly heart felt music. The expression of what He has done, is doing and is going to do in and to us is overpowering. It both drives and pulls us to worship and the natural by product is an expression of joy, reverence and awe.
Thanks for reviewing our Music Page here at Chinquapin because we love to sing praises to our great Savior and we hope you will join us. We have a sanctuary choir; youth praise band, ladies ensemble, multiple mixed voice groups and great soloists. When you join this department you don’t just bring your voice, you bring your heart and your passion to praise the Lord. We welcome NEW members all year long and would love for you to join us!
We sing different styles of music, but with the same core value in every style, that is to glorify the Lord God our Savior and exalt all that He is and has been to us. Whether we are singing classic hymns, southern gospel, praise and worship songs or contemporary, our focus is on Him and Him alone.

Lona Blevins
Julia Godsey
Rachel Lunsford